Saturday, June 15, 2013

I'm new to the whole blogging world. Perhaps, no one will read a single post that I make BUT then again perhaps somebody will! We'll start off with the present, go into the past and look forward into the future. There's no better day to start off with than today. :) A quick overview of my family.....

This is us. The Sunday family. "Wow, whose that huge kid in the picture? He can't belong to them!" Yup, he's all ours. We had him as teenagers and that is a collection of stories yet to come. Hopefully, our struggles can help others who find themselves in a similar situation. Perseverance is not a far fetched thing for anyone. 

We are a military family and we are proud to say that we have a family member who serves his country. This lifestyle is not for all but we find that it has helped us tremendously throughout every aspect of our lives. Airborne...All The Way!!! He's about to be 6 years in the army and has one deployment under his belt. Total bad ass? I know!

That's my quick overview. :) Hopefully, with time you will learn more about us and we could learn more about others. I'll leave you with one quick picture of today. Just because it's so freaking adorable. Our little girl's baseball picture!

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