Monday, June 17, 2013


Our son Joshua just turned 8 so we decided to have an army themed party! We were originally going to have a paint ball party until we discovered that 8 year old kids would literally get destroyed out in a paintball field. Oops..I almost sent my son out to a death camp! So, instead we opted for the next best thing. Lazertag! You shoot your opponents and you get to keep you eye!

So, we invited the neighborhood children plus one (my awesome nephew who came all the way from TX). So, I'm definitely not THE party mom but I have thrown some pretty cool parties if you ask me. First, I decided on the most important part...the cake! (or in my case, the cupcakes) I made these cool cupcakes that look like they have grass on them then just popped some toy soldiers on top.

Here is the link to a tutorial that I used to make the grass...

I also made MRE meal packs A.K.A the candy bags. I bought gable boxes from hobby lobby and then glued a printable picture on to it. I also cut out some dog tags and wrote each child's name on it. I got the free printable here...

Our son had a blast and I had a non-stressful party. Even though I think I cheat when I throw a party at a "party place" because technically I just get to sit and look pretty. Oh well, we had a blast and we are thankful that God has given my son another year of life. We couldn't be more blessed with this one of a kind boy that God sent our way.

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